How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost in Shreveport?

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 How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost in Shreveport?

A Shreveport chiropractor cost can be expensive, but it’s worth the extra cash if you’re suffering from an injury. Many patients are not aware of how much chiropractic services can cost. A single consultation with a qualified chiropractic physician can run anywhere from $100 to $200, and some chiropractors even offer acupuncture. The cost of a single treatment can be covered by insurance, so you may be able to claim the cost of your care with your insurer.

A chiropractor’s rate for a general spine adjustment can vary and can range anywhere from $50 and up depending on the scope of the examination. Other services offered by a chiropractor may be more expensive than those offered by regular physicians, such as X-rays or MRI scans. The fees for these services depend on what types of tests are required and the quality of care. If you’re considering undergoing chiropractic treatment for an injury or pain, make sure you know the total Shreveport chiropractor cost before booking an appointment.

The cost of a visit to a chiropractor depends on the type of services provided. If you’re looking for a thorough physical examination, a chiropractor can charge anywhere from USD50 to USD200. Other services include chiropractic therapy, which can range from USD180 to USD250. A general spinal adjustment can be very expensive, but many chiropractors still use manual adjustment tables. Generally speaking, a visit to a Shreveport chiropractor cost can be between $50 and $300.

The cost of a chiropractic visit varies widely. While chiropractic treatment involves a range of diagnostic and treatment techniques, you’ll need to pay for these separately. Some chiropractic services require specialized equipment. For example, a chiropractor may use a TENS machine to administer electrical stimulation to a client’s muscles and joints. The costs for such services can range from $20 to $250, depending on the type of equipment needed.

Different chiropractic visits require different diagnostic equipment than a visit to a regular doctor. An MRI scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, can provide detailed information about your health and its underlying causes. The MRI test can be more expensive than other diagnostic tools but is often the gold standard for many conditions. In some cases, a chiropractor will outsource the MRI scan to a certified MRI center. MRI tests can range from $100 to $400, depending on the specialized service and the number of visits.

Depending on the level of care and number of visits, a Shreveport chiropractor’s cost can be surprisingly affordable. In some cases, it can even be cheaper than regular medical care. A $40 initial evaluation may cost you just under $100, while a $150 examination with a higher level of specialized procedures may cost as much as $500. While it’s best to seek out a chiropractor with the qualifications and experience necessary to provide quality chiropractic care, you should consider the cost to avoid being surprised by the charges that are associated with a visit to a chiropractor.

Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic has the most caring chiropractors throughout all of Shreveport. Our chiropractors can help you manage & overcome back, neck, headache, and extremity pain issues. Call us today at (318) 868-5009 to learn more about how we can help.