Upper Shreveport Cervical Chiropractic Care

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 Upper Shreveport Cervical Chiropractic Care

Upper cervical chiropractic Shreveport care is a gentle form of spinal adjustment focusing on correcting misalignment or subluxation in the upper part of the spine. Unlike other types of chiropractic treatment, upper cervical care does not involve twisting, bending, or twisting movements. It is more gentle and suitable for people with sensitivity to pressure. Additionally, upper cervical chiropractic in Shreveport recognizes the proper position of the human framework. 

Upper cervical care works by removing any interference in the nervous system. By restoring balance to the nervous system, the body is able to heal itself. Even chronic, difficult-to-treat ailments like back pain and neck pain respond to this gentle approach. Patients often experience improved posture, reduced neck and shoulder pain, and fewer migraines. These conditions may even be relieved if the upper cervical region is properly adjusted. In addition to the benefits of Shreveport upper cervical chiropractic care, the treatment is gentle enough for anyone to undergo.

Many patients seeking upper cervical chiropractic care have already tried various types of chiropractors and are interested in lighter styles of adjustment. Many people who are looking for relief from neck pain and migraines seek Shreveport upper cervical chiropractic care due to the lightness of its style of adjustment. Additionally, patients with vertigo, migraines, and headaches often turn to upper cervical chiropractic for these conditions. Upper cervical chiropractic care is a great way to improve your health and avoid the need for more invasive treatments.

Shreveport upper cervical chiropractic treatment is gentle and highly targeted. Chiropractic adjustments of the upper neck realign the spine and supply vital energy to the body parts. The gentle and precise adjustment method has helped many people get relief from various ailments and conditions caused by spinal imbalance. Upper cervical chiropractic treatment can improve your posture by up to 50%.

While upper cervical chiropractic in Shreveport is not necessarily dangerous, it is a good idea to have a certified chiropractor perform your adjustments. As with any other type of chiropractic treatment, there are some risks involved with upper cervical care, but they are relatively low. Most people report minor muscle soreness and neck pain after receiving an adjustment. If you have any questions about upper cervical care, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced chiropractor today. The benefits are worth it, and you will be glad you did.

There are several reasons that chiropractic treatment for the upper cervical area is important. One of the most common causes of headaches is whiplash, which can result in spinal misalignment. As a result, this condition can cause nerve irritation and impair communication between the brain and body. Misalignments in this area of the spine may cause chronic health problems throughout life. Some people are born with injuries that result in a misaligned upper cervical spine.

Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic has the most caring chiropractors throughout all of Shreveport. Our chiropractors can help you manage & overcome back, neck, headache, and extremity pain issues. Call us today at (318) 868-5009 to learn how we can help.