Is a Shreveport Baby Chiropractor Right For Your Child?

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 Is a Shreveport Baby Chiropractor Right For Your Child?

As a new parent, you might be wondering about your baby’s well-being, especially when they start crying for no reason. Often, these little ones are suffering from health issues and need a little chiropractic help to ease their discomfort. A baby chiropractor in Shreveport is a practitioner who specifically adjusts infants to treat health conditions such as crooked spines, torticollis, plagiocephaly (a flattening of the head on one side), colic, and more. This treatment involves adjusting the misaligned spine or joint in gentle ways, and some infants get treated as soon as they are born.

In addition to spinal and neck issues, a baby chiropractor in Shreveport can also treat other health problems like allergies, asthma, reflux, constipation, sleep issues, and even moodiness and colic. The birthing process is a pretty traumatic experience for any newborn, whether they are being born naturally or via C-section, and this pressure can lead to misalignments in their spine and neck. These misalignments can cause a lot of pain for infants and can be a major contributing factor to a colicky or irritable child.

The Internet has become flooded with videos of babies being treated by chiropractors, a trend that has been popularized by TikTok stars and “mommyfluencers.” One video showing a four-day-old boy receiving chiropractic treatment for torticollis drew a significant response in Australia and around the world earlier this year. In the video, a chiropractor manipulates the baby’s neck, and you can hear a loud cracking sound.

But if you’re curious about trying a baby chiropractor in Shreveport, it is important to be aware that a lot of the hype around this treatment is based on myths and misinformation. The truth is that there is no proof that chiropractic manipulations of a baby’s spine will fix anything. In fact, a randomized controlled trial on colic that used chiropractic treatments found that they were no better than a placebo.

Many people are turned off by the idea of a baby being cracked or cracked open, and that image can cause some to avoid this form of treatment. But the reality is that most chiropractors treat infants in a way that is safe and gentle. A Shreveport baby chiropractor is usually preferred by pediatricians and doctors to their patients because of its proven positive effects. A pediatric chiropractor’s treatment is very gentle and they only use the amount of pressure needed to correct the problem.

In some cases, babies may not even feel the adjustment, or only notice a minor difference in their posture. But the research is clear that many infants are experiencing a wide range of health problems, and that chiropractic treatment can be beneficial. If you’re looking to find a Shreveport baby chiropractor, ask your doctor or a friend for a recommendation and research their credentials. Chiropractors must complete an undergrad, attend a certified chiropractic college for four years, and pass licensing exams before they can practice.

When it comes to reliable chiropractic care in Shreveport, look no further than Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic. Our experienced chiropractors specialize in helping individuals effectively manage and overcome a wide range of pain issues, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and extremity pain. We are dedicated to providing personalized care that targets the root cause of discomfort, helping you find relief and improve your overall well-being. To learn more about how our services can benefit you, call us today at (318) 868-5009. Take the first step towards a pain-free life with Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic.