Upper Cervical Shreveport Chiropractic Benefits

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 Upper Cervical Shreveport Chiropractic Benefits

One of the best reasons to find a chiropractic doctor is the fact that Shreveport chiropractic benefits can improve the health of your back, neck, and spine. People who have suffered from back pain or who have weak muscles in their neck and back are likely candidates for chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is sometimes also recommended for people who have joint problems, but the Shreveport chiropractic benefits for your back and neck may be the most important reason to see a chiropractor.

When you visit a chiropractor for Shreveport chiropractic benefits you should first be aware that chiropractic care will not solve every back pain problem. You will probably still need to take medication or wear some kind of support garment such as a brace muscle if necessary, or use other back pain treatments. However, chiropractors have been known to help many patients solve minor back pain problems by using gentle and often easy-to-learn techniques.

Some people incorrectly think that chiropractic adjustments can cause injury or trauma. The truth is, that chiropractors cannot possibly cause injury to patients because they do not attempt to break the bones or impair nerves. When a chiropractor adjusts, he is simply adjusting the alignment of the spine so that it is more in harmony with the rest of the body. This is why chiropractors are not allowed to stick their hands inside the mouth. An adjustment only takes five minutes or so and chiropractors are careful not to make direct contact with any part of the face, neck, or head.

An upper cervical chiropractic care provider typically spends about fifteen minutes on each client, examining the spine and finding out where problems are located. The chiropractor then offers spinal manipulative therapy, which includes various adjustments and stretches that will strengthen the spine and alleviate some of the back pain symptoms. In addition to using spinal manipulations, the upper cervical chiropractor may also use other methods to help improve a patient’s posture. The primary methods used by this type of chiropractic care provider are spinal adjustments, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, manual traction, and massage.

If you have been suffering from chronic neck pain, headaches, or eye strain, and you have seen no results from prescription medications or traditional treatments such as acupuncture and electric manipulation, you should see chiropractors first for an evaluation and treatment. Chiropractic care is not meant to replace medical care but can complement treatment. If your doctor has recommended conservative treatments without success, and you now want to try chiropractic care, here are some upper cervical Shreveport chiropractic benefits to help you decide.

Many chiropractors offer a complementary therapy program for patients going through chiropractic care for the first time. This program may include massage, acupuncture, acupressure, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, stress reduction techniques, or energy therapy. Depending on your primary condition, a chiropractor may suggest a specific course of action. Some chiropractors are trained to treat only the back or spine, while others offer a full range of services to help improve your quality of life. Whether you are suffering from pain, weakness, numbness, or other symptoms, you should see your chiropractor to determine the best course of action.

Many patients have experienced the Shreveport chiropractic benefits from the chiropractic adjustment that Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic offers. They care deeply for their patient’s health. Call (318) 868-5009 to know more.