Chiropractic care in Shreveport is the practice of dealing with neuromusculoskeletal ailments through the application of techniques aimed at restoring mobility to the spine and joints. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation and other therapeutic procedures on their patients in the hopes of restoring health and well-being by addressing the underlying cause of the ailments. The goal of chiropractic care in Shreveport is to reduce or eliminate the need for drugs, surgery, and other interventions. Chiropractic doctors are highly trained clinicians skilled in the field of medicine and clinical sciences, holding degrees in both these fields and having many years of experience in the care of patients suffering from neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractors are licensed by the State Board of Medical Examination and Therapy and are required to receive national certification through the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Professionals (JCAHEP). If you plan to pursue further education and training to become a chiropractor, check out the requirements of your state’s Department of Health.
A chiropractor can diagnose your condition and suggest a treatment plan. He or she will use diagnostic and treatment tools such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans to determine the extent of your injury or illness. Your chiropractor may also refer you to an orthopedic or neurological specialist if he or she believes that your condition requires specialized treatment. Once your condition has been diagnosed, your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan specifically designed for you. He or she will discuss the details of your treatment plan with you and explain the benefits and risks of the proposed treatments.
Many chiropractic care Shreveport patients seek treatment for low back pain or facet syndrome, an abnormal bulge in the spine. Spinal manipulation or soft tissue manipulation can treat low back pain by reducing muscle tension, tightening the surrounding discs, and increasing strength. Some chiropractors are capable of applying gentle traction when performing spinal manipulation or soft tissue manipulation. Other chiropractors perform invasive treatments such as spinal fusion or vertebroplasty. These invasive treatments are performed on patients who have injuries that do not respond to chiropractic care. Patients can choose between these treatments to treat their specific problems.
One of the most common reasons that people see their Shreveport chiropractic care provider is to for low back pain relief. Most chiropractic doctors make use of spinal manipulation and other techniques to treat a variety of different ailments. When it comes to low back pain, however, many chiropractors only treat specific injuries or ailments, leaving other conditions untreated. If your chiropractor isn’t treating the acute pain caused by an injury, for example, he or she may recommend that you visit a regular physician instead. While your chiropractor may not be able to guarantee that you’ll never have back pain again, he or she can help you manage your pain using conservative measures.
Chiropractors also help patients suffering from various chronic pain conditions, including neck pain, joint pain, migraine headaches, and much more. Because chiropractic care in Shreveport addresses the whole person, not just one ailment, this ensures that the treatments you receive are going to be effective no matter what’s causing your symptoms. Many people find that they can greatly reduce the amount of time they spend in the clinic, reducing the number of doctor’s visits that they have to make. For some people, chiropractic care may even be the only form of care they need.
Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic has the most caring chiropractors throughout all of Shreveport. Our physicians can help you manage & overcome back, neck, headache, and extremity pain issues. Call us today at (318) 868-5009 to learn more about how we can help.