How Does a Shreveport Chiropractor Work?

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 How Does a Shreveport Chiropractor Work?

Chiropractors work with people of all ages and abilities. They practice in private clinics, hospitals, and other medical settings. A Shreveport chiropractor has the training to treat musculoskeletal conditions including back and neck pain, headaches and injuries, and joint stiffness.

Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for people with arthritis or other forms of arthritic pain. A chiropractor in Shreveport typically uses manual manipulation of the spine and joints to reduce muscle tightness and tension, which relieves pain. They also teach exercises to maintain and improve spinal health and strength.

The American College of Physicians supports chiropractic as a first-line therapy for chronic lower back pain before medications or surgery are used. Some studies have found that it can lower levels of neuropeptides in the blood, which can lead to a reduction in the need for opioid pain relievers.

Licensed doctors of chiropractic graduate from four-year doctoral programs, which include as many classroom hours as allopathic or osteopathic medical schools. They must pass a series of examinations and are regulated by each state.

The Shreveport chiropractor is trained to recognize when a patient will benefit from their care and to refer them to other healthcare providers or specialists when necessary. It is essential to select a qualified chiropractor to ensure your health and safety.

In most cases, you will have a thorough physical examination and X-rays taken of your spine or joints before treatment begins. Your doctor will discuss with you a differential diagnosis (that considers all the potential causes of your primary complaint) and a working diagnosis (that focuses on the most likely cause of the complaint).

It may take several sessions to restore optimal alignment, but this can lead to long-term relief from pain. It can also help prevent recurrences of the problem.

Your chiropractor in Shreveport will provide a variety of treatments and techniques, which can include traction (manipulation of your spinal cord and vertebrae), massage, heat, cold, ice, or electric pulses. These treatments are not painful and can be administered in a comfortable setting.

These procedures can increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to a specific area of the body, which relieves pain. They can also help you improve your posture, which is essential for avoiding back problems in the future.

During a spinal adjustment, your chiropractor places you on a special table that is specially designed to provide the best conditions for treating your musculoskeletal issues. You lay face down on the table while your chiropractor applies a controlled force to your spine.

The force is accompanied by an audible crack or popping sound, as the gas that leaves your joints is released. This sound is usually quite soothing and a sign that your muscles have relaxed and your spine has been manipulated effectively.

Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic provides the most reliable chiropractic care in Shreveport. Our chiropractors can help you manage & overcome back, neck, headache, and extremity pain issues. Call us today at (318) 868-5009 to learn how we can help.