A Shreveport chiropractic adjustment is an all-natural and drug-free way to treat many of today’s pain conditions. Performed properly, it improves mobility and reduces pain. Once your questions have been answered, you may decide to begin chiropractic treatment immediately. You will be able to learn the basics of Shreveport chiropractic adjustment, as well as how they work and why.
Your chiropractor will first do an assessment of where the problem is. If you are healthy, then the chiropractor will simply perform a thorough review of how you are aligned, and how that alignment is affecting your health. If you are not healthy, or your condition requires more attention, the chiropractor will perform further tests and treatments to come up with an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, your chiropractor will find that a simple adjustment or few adjustments to your posture will do the job. They are very conservative in their treatments and don’t use any drugs or any other form of manipulation.
The Shreveport chiropractic adjustment works on the nervous system and the skeletal system. The spinal adjustments or subluxations are designed to realign your spine, improve your posture, and restore proper joint function. This can all happen quickly and naturally and without any drugs or surgery involved. Many chiropractors believe that spinal adjustments and subluxations are caused by misalignment, stress, and other issues that are beyond the normal scope of everyday life. When you go to a chiropractor for a chiropractic adjustment, they refer to this as a “spinal adjustment.”
Some of the common treatments offered at your Shreveport chiropractic adjustment clinic may include low back pain. Other treatments may include treatment for low back pain resulting from an accident or injury or low back pain that continues or worsens after you’ve adjusted your posture. Other common treatments may include chiropractic adjustments for chronic sinus problems and ear infections.
Sometimes, patients receive a chiropractic adjustment for their chronic pain resulting from a traumatic event. The patient may have originally visited his chiropractor due to a whiplash or back injury. After receiving the initial treatment, the patient may visit his chiropractor again for symptom relief and rehabilitation. In many cases, a chiropractor may recommend an MRI or X-rays to determine if there is any cause for concern. If so, the patient may receive a second chiropractic adjustment to correct any misalignment or movement problems that are causing his chronic pain.
If you have been seeing a chiropractor for a while, he may be able to help you with conditions like acid reflux. The chiropractor will first assess how bad your condition is, and then he will give you a Shreveport chiropractic adjustment. You can then return to your regular doctor, who may recommend an appropriate medication or refer you to a specialist if needed. If you continue to experience pain despite your medical treatment, see your chiropractor for further treatment options.
Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic has always been trusted for its Shreveport chiropractic adjustment. Call (318) 868-5009 to know more about how we can help.