The Role of a Shreveport Chiropractor in a Sports Medicine Diagnosis

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 The Role of a  Shreveport Chiropractor in a Sports Medicine Diagnosis

A Shreveport chiropractor is usually a practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those involving the spine, with an emphasis primarily on therapy through manual manipulation and/or manual adjustment of the spine. A chiropractor in Shreveport uses spinal manipulation or adjustment to correct structural imbalances in the body; often to relieve pain resulting from injury or a traumatic event (such as a car accident or falling), and to promote healing in the affected area.

A Shreveport chiropractor may also refer their patients to other specialists for care, such as physical therapists, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, and/or chiropractors. Chiropractic is not covered by traditional insurance; however, many insurers are now providing coverage for chiropractic services under a variety of plans. The majority of insurance companies require a minimum deductible for chiropractic services and will pay 100% of the billings when serious conditions are treated.

The three most common areas of specialization, a chiropractor can focus on are the neuromusculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, and the internal organs. Neuromusculoskeletal disorders typically involve such problems as back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, shoulder pain, head pain, and lower back pain. Cardiovascular disorders typically involve heart disease, hypertension, and coronary problems. Internal organs include the kidney, spleen, liver, stomach, intestines, and colon. Many chiropractors also specialize in the field of sports medicine, working to treat athletes’ injuries and prevent further injuries. Whatever area a Shreveport chiropractor chooses to focus his or her practice in, most involve a process that begins with a thorough exam and includes careful evaluation and referral to a suitable specialist.

As treatment is administered, chiropractors strive not only to relieve pain and minimize symptoms but to eliminate the underlying cause of the disorder. Some common diagnostic imaging techniques used by chiropractors include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging fluoroscopy, and x-ray machine. A variety of dietary and lifestyle changes may also be recommended for patients who are suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system or cardiovascular system. The goal of treatment is to return the body’s natural rhythm to normalize and prevent further injury and dysfunction.

After obtaining a referral from a primary care physician, the chiropractor then schedules an initial consultation with a chiropractor to determine the appropriate course of action. During this time, the chiropractor will discuss the patient’s medical history, evaluate the severity of the patient’s condition, and review the possible causes of her or his injuries. The Shreveport chiropractor will then begin the process of diagnosis, which usually involves the use of clinical notes and diagnostic imaging and evaluating the patient’s posture, limb function, range of motion, muscle strength and flexibility, as well as their appearance and lifestyle. In many cases, a referral to a general practitioner for further assessment and treatment is then made.

Chiropractic treatments are often recommended in the acute treatment of a whiplash injury or other spinal disorders. They are often used in conjunction with other health and wellness treatments such as physical therapy and rehabilitation. Some chiropractors choose to use spinal manipulative therapy as a complementary therapy to sports medicine and orthopedics. Other chiropractors use other therapies such as heat therapy, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, laser therapy, balance therapy, biofeedback, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle counseling with patients experiencing multiple musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractic is most effective when combined with other modalities.

Our Shreveport chiropractor at Broadmoor Chiropractic Clinic can help you manage and overcome pain and numerous injuries to the back, neck, and extremities. Call us today at (318) 868-5009 to learn more about how we can help.